
Dr. Ferreira is the Tungchao Julia Lu Professor of the Deparment of Mechanical Science and Engineering at Illinois since 2009. He served as department head for 6 years until 2016. From 2003 to 2009, he was the director of the Center for Chemical-Electrical-Mechanical Manufacturing Systems (Nano-CEMMS), an NSF-sponsored Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center. He graduated with a PhD in Industrial Engineering from Purdue University in 1987, M.Tech (Mechanical) from IIT Bombay, 1982 and B.E. (Mechanical) for University of Bombay in 1980. He has been on the mechanical engineering faculty at Illinois since 1987, serving as the associate head for graduate programs and research from 1999 to 2002. He is the recipient of the ASME William T. Ennor Manufacturing Technology Award and a fellow of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and North American Manufacturing Research Institute.


  • 1987
    Purdue University
    Ph.D. in IE
  • 1982
    Indian Institute of Tech., Bombay
    M.Tech in Mechanical Engineering
  • 1980
    University of Bombay
    B.E. in Mechanical Engineering


  • 2015 · Present
    Micro-Nano Mechanical Systems Lab
  • 2013 · Present
    Tungchao Julia Lu Professor (Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering)
    University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign