University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Illinois Materials Research Science and Engineering Center
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs)
2025 REU Program

Our ten-week summer research program offers undergraduate students the opportunity to work closely with MRSEC faculty mentors on solving a challenging, meaningful scientific question through taking part in the interdisciplinary Illinois MRSEC research.

Outreach Programs for K-12 Students
I-MRSEC Creative Materials Program

The I-MRSEC has an annual outreach program at local pubic middle school Franklin STEAM Academy.

Magnetic Fields Web Series
The I-MRSEC has created online content aimed at engaging many audiences in materials science.
Middle school outreach: Create your own Speaker Kit
We developed a special kit that aims to help middle-school aged students learn about applications of magnetism and the physics of sound by building speakers.
“Un día en el lab” (español)
A short video by graduate student Marilyn Porras Gomez introducing what a day is like working in the lab. Aimed at a K-5 or middle school audience. Marilyn Porras Gomez, un estudiante de posgrado en I-MRSEC, muestra cómo es un día típico en el laboratorio para ella, una científica.
Other Outreach Programs
Partnerships for Research and Education in Materials (PREM)

TSUFI PREM creates strategic research opportunities and exchanges, structured within a supportive framework of education, career preparation, and cross-institutional mentoring, that will increase access to advanced materials facilities and training of underrepresented minority (URM) undergraduates. It will build recruitment pathways to increase the enrollment of URMs in materials-related graduate programs at TSU, Fisk, and UIUC, ultimately increasing the number of minority STEM graduates prepared for materials science careers in industry, government, and academia.