The Bruker D8 Advance diffractometer includes a vertical theta/theta goniometer with independent rotation of the x-ray tube, x-ray detector, sample stage tilt and spinning. All major x-ray diffraction (XRD) and reflectivity (XRR) applications are available in this system. The system uses the Eigher2 R 500 K detector with 75 microns pixel size, with a total of 1,030 x 514 pixels, with 2.5x108 photons per sec per mm2 capacity. The detector can be used in 0D (point detector), 1D (line) or 2D (areal) modes which are easily selected and configured using the instrument control software.
Read more about this instrument’s features and capabilities, and how to access this instrument here: https://mrl.illinois.edu/facilities/equipment/bruker-d8-advance-xrd-system-high-temperature-sample-stage